Author = Moharramzadeh, Mehrdad
Incidents and consequences of motor literacy development in elementary school students

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 04 April 2022


Abbas Sadeghpour; Mehrdad Moharamzaheh; Masoud Imanzadeh; nasrin azizian kohan

Compilation of selection criteria for coaches and athletes of the Iran national basketball team by AHP method

Volume 10, Issue 20, January 2021, Pages 123-132


farhad fathi; Mehrdad Moharramzadeh; Mohammad seayvan Nouri; Mozafar Yektayar

Investigating the administrative challenges of privatization of sport facilities in city sports

Volume 5, Issue 10, February 2016, Pages 73-84

mehrdad moharamzadeh; shahrouz ghayebzadeh